Facts about Nigeria

• Nigeria is Africa’s most influential country due to its high population and vast oil reserves.

• Nigeria is the world’s 8th most populated country with an estimated population of 150 million souls.

• About 50% of Nigerians follow the Islamic religion. The northern third of the country is governed under Islamic law.

• About 35% claim to “Christianity”. The Catholics and Charismatic churches are the largest of these “Christian” religions.

• 15% of the people follow their ancient, pagan beliefs.

• Abuja, the capital city, has a population between 5 and 7 million people. Currently, there is only one American, Independent Baptist missionary, Mark Holmes, in Abuja.

• Nigeria has about 250 ethnic groups of which 8 groups make up nearly 90% of the population. Of all the groups, only 6 have a Bible in their native tongue.

• Over 170,000 Nigerians die each year from AIDS which averages to just under 500 a day! Most of these souls have probably never heard a true presentation of the Gospel!

*Population statistics come from the CIA’s World Factbook.*